10 Zebra Coloring Pages (Download Free Printable PDF)

Free Printable Zebra Coloring Sheets PDF

10 Zebra Coloring Pages for Kids: Fun, Free, and Printable!

Hey there! I am James, a loving parent of two outstanding children, Lisa and Mike. Having worked as a former private school teacher and currently a member of the GreenColoring community, I enjoy sharing imaginative approaches to make learning enjoyable. And today, it gives me great pleasure to provide you with 10 free PDF zebra coloring pages. Right below, ready to print and enjoy, are them!

Why Coloring Zebras is More Than Just Fun

Coloring zebras is more than just covering black and white stripes. Children can develop their focus, creativity, and motor skills quite effectively from this approach. I have direct experience with this. Lisa spent an afternoon designing her own rainbow-colored zebra last week; Mike, being Mike, insisted his zebra had green stripes since, well, green is his favorite color!

Here are some safety precautions to keep coloring time enjoyable and worry-free, though, before your young artists start:

  • Particularly for younger children who might swallow them, use non-toxic crayons or markers.
  • Select a well-lit area to help to relieve strain on their eyes.
  • If they want to cut out their zebras for a craft, supervise scissor use.

These clever ideas will help you to take coloring to the next level:

  • After coloring, let your child design a brief journey for their zebra. Storytelling magic. Is it blazing on the African plains? Alternatively, maybe it’s a magical zebra with color-changing ability.
  • Encourage children to mix gray tones to make their zebras look more realistic or add whimsical pink or blue stripes simply for fun.
  • Don’t stop at coloring; crafty creations abound. For even more hands-on enjoyment, turn the pages into puppets, bookmarks, or masks. (You will find detailed crafts below.).

Genius Hack: If your child struggles with staying inside the lines, try using outline stickers. Lisa used them once, and it helped her color with more precision. Plus, she loved the glittery effect!

So, grab those crayons and get ready for a zebra-filled adventure. And don’t forget to download the free printable zebra coloring pages below!

Download Free Coloring Pages:

Simple Zebra Coloring Pages for Kids and Toddlers
Zebra Coloring Pages
Printable Zebra Coloring Pages PDF
Free Printable Zebra Coloring Page PDF
Printable Zebra Coloring Pages PDF
Free Printable Zebra Coloring Pages PDF
Zebra Coloring Page
Zebra Coloring Pages PDF
Free Printable Zebra Coloring Sheets PDF
Free Printable Zebra Coloring Sheets PDF

8 Crafts for Kids Using Zebra Coloring Pages

Zebra coloring pages are a fantastic way to introduce kids to creativity while learning about these unique animals. I have published 10 free zebra coloring pages in PDF format right above this article, so be sure to grab them before starting these fun crafts! Last week, my daughter Lisa and I tried some of these activities, and she absolutely loved them. My son Mike? Well, let’s just say he had fun, but things got a little messy, like usual!

1. Zebra Mask Craft

Materials Needed:

  • Printed zebra coloring page (from my free PDF)
  • Cardstock or thick paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape
  • Hole punch
  • Elastic string
  • Markers or crayons


  1. Print your preferred zebra coloring page on regular paper first. Using crayons or markers, let your children color it. Urge them to be creative; if they wish for a distinctive zebra, perhaps add pink or blue stripes.
  2. After coloring is finished, meticulously cut out the zebra’s face. If your child is younger, you might want to assist them with the scissors. Mike always rushes with cutting, thus I keep close supervision of him.
  3. To strengthen the zebra face, glue it onto a piece of cardstock. Before proceeding to the next stage, let it dry totally.
  4. Now carefully cut out the eye holes. Usually, I assist Lisa and Mike with this since this section can be challenging and ensures the holes are in the correct position.
  5. Make two holes on either side of the mask using a hole punch. Thread the elastic string, then tie knots at the ends. Change the length to allow your child’s head to comfortably fit.
  6. Once everything is ready, let your children dress as wild zebras and have fun. Though I constantly tell Mike that zebras do not roar, he loves to run around roaring!

Smart Tip: If your children enjoy dressing up, make a complete safari costume by pairing this mask with zebra-striped clothing. Lisa looked great once she matched hers with a black-and-white striped dress. For more fun costume ideas, visit National Geographic Kids.

2. Zebra Puppet Show

Materials Needed:

  • Zebra coloring pages
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Construction paper (optional)


  1. Allow your children to color their preferred zebra designs from my free printable pages any way they choose. Though zebras are black and white, Mike always adds green stripes since it is his favorite color!
  2. Cut out the zebras once colored. Leave a small bit extra at the bottom so they may be readily adhesively attached to the popsicle sticks.
  3. Attach the zebras to the top of the popsicle sticks using glue, then let them totally dry.
  4. Construct a basic stage out of a cardboard box to make the puppet show more entertaining. Let the children embellish a window you cut out from the front with stickers or markers.
  5. Let your children stage a zebra-themed puppet show once everything is ready. Mike likes making the zebras do ridiculous dances; Lisa constantly generates imaginative stories. Everybody finds this to be a great time!

Pro Tip: Establish a family of puppets using several zebra designs. For a very adorable touch, include a baby zebra! For more creative puppet show ideas, check out PBS Kids.

3. DIY Zebra Bookmarks

Materials Needed:

  • Zebra coloring pages
  • Scissors
  • Laminating sheets or clear tape
  • Ribbon
  • Hole punch


  1. Print and color a zebra coloring page. Select a small zebra picture or cutout from a bigger one.
  2. Once colored, cut the zebra into a rectangle. Should your children wish to be creative, they could cut around the zebra form instead.
  3. Laminate it or cover it with clear tape to extend the bookmark. Lisa loves to make things look professional; thus, she always helps me with this phase.
  4. At the top of the bookmark, make a little hole using a hole punch.
  5. Through the hole, thread a ribbon and knot it to fasten it. For an additional fashionable appearance, choose a ribbon color complementary to the zebra design.
  6. Your children now have a special bookmark to use with their preferred evening tales. Lisa keeps hers in her Hello Kitty diary; Mike uses his for his nighttime narrative books.

Fun Tip: Put a personal note on the bookmark including your child’s name. It makes a fantastic handcrafted present for friends as well.

4. Zebra-Themed Greeting Cards

Materials Needed:

  • Zebra coloring pages
  • Blank cards
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Markers


  1. Let your child color a zebra coloring page. Encourage them to be creative with colors—Lisa once made a rainbow zebra, and it turned out amazing!
  2. Carefully cut out the zebra once the coloring is complete.
  3. Fold a blank sheet of cardstock in half to create a greeting card base. If your child prefers, they can use construction paper for a colorful background.
  4. Glue the zebra onto the front of the card. Lisa likes to position hers in the center, while Mike enjoys adding grass or a sun around his zebra.
  5. Write a fun message inside the card, such as “You are Zebr-iffic!” or “Stay Wild!” I love watching Lisa and Mike come up with their own unique messages for family members.
  6. Add some decorations! Adding stickers, glitter, or extra drawings to the card makes it even more unique. Lisa always adds pink hearts, and Mike made his zebra wear sunglasses one time.
  7. Give the card to a teacher, family member, or friend. These sweet cards always make the person who receives them smile.

Smart Tip: To make the zebra cutout look more 3D, use foam stickers or folded paper tabs to lift it off the card a little.

5. Zebra Window Decorations

Materials Needed:

  • Zebra coloring pages
  • Contact paper
  • Scissors
  • Tape


  1. Have your child cut out and color their preferred zebra images. Allow them to play with even neon colors or fun designs!
  2. Press down firmly after positioning the zebra between two contact paper sheets. This will prolong the life of the artwork and guard against damage.
  3. Following the zebra’s outline or designing a playful border, cut the edges to produce a neat form.
  4. Stuck the decorations on windows with small bits of tape. While Mike once covered our entire sliding door with his zebras, Lisa loves putting hers on her bedroom window.
  5. Back off and take in the window art with the zebra motif! Natural light accentuates these decorations, especially when using translucent markers or crayons.

Pro Tip: Use glow-in-the-dark paint on some of the zebra’s parts for an additional magical effect. Your children will adore seeing their zebras shine at night!

6. Zebra-Themed Storybook

Materials Needed:

  • Printed zebra coloring pages
  • Stapler
  • Blank sheets of paper
  • Crayons or markers


  1. Ask your children to color several zebra coloring pages and then create a narrative to complement them. Lisa constantly generates amazing ideas; her last tale featured a zebra dreaming of a unicorn!
  2. Staple the pages to make a small zebra book. Let children create a vibrant cover including their name and the book title.
  3. On every page, have them draft a few lines or captions. Should they be too young to write, they can guide the narrative as you create it for them.
  4. Have a fun narrative session once the book is finished! Let children act out portions of the story and read their book aloud. Mike enjoys creating spectacular sound effects for his zebra exploits!

Fun Tip: Let each of your several children design a character and work on a group zebra book. Once Lisa and Mike created a funny narrative about a zebra detective cracking jungle riddles!

7. Zebra Wrapping Paper

Materials Needed:

  • Large printed zebra coloring pages
  • Markers
  • Tape
  • Ribbons or stickers


  1. Get some big sheets of paper and print out some zebra coloring pages. Your kids can color them however they want. You don’t have to use black and white stripes. Mike made a zebra with red and yellow stripes because he thought it looked like fire.
  2. Lay the sheet flat and smooth out any wrinkles when they’re done coloring.
  3. With care, wrap a small book or gift in the zebra-themed paper. Help your kids fold the edges in a neat way.
  4. Utilize tape to keep the wrapping paper in place.
  5. Adding ribbons or stickers to the gift will make it more fun. Lisa loves it when you put heart stickers on everything, but Mike likes cool designs with action scenes.
  6. Deliver the wrapped present to a friend or family member. That’s a cool way to make any gift more unique and personal!

Tip: The zebra pattern on kraft paper makes a great eco-friendly way to wrap things.

8. Zebra-Themed Memory Game

Materials Needed:

  • Zebra coloring pages
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Cardboard
  • Laminating sheets (optional for durability)


  1. Have children color zebra coloring pages you print. To help them to identify matching pairs quickly during the game, they should aim to use the same colors on matching sets.
  2. Once the pages are colored, precisely cut out the zebras into equal-sized squares or rectangles. Make sure their dimensions match to maintain a fair game!
  3. To make each zebra cutout sturdier, glue them each onto a little piece of card. Laminate them if you wish for them to last longer.
  4. Sort the zebra cards, then arrange them face down on a floor or table.
  5. Alternately turn over two cards at once. Should the zebras fit, the athlete retains the pair. Should not, they flip them over and try once more.
  6. Play till all the couples have been located. The participant with the most matches wins!

Fun Tip: Mike kept peering at the cards last time we played when he felt no one else was watching. Lisa caught him, and we decided to play two rounds since we were laughing so much!

These zebra crafts are quite creative and fun! These activities will keep children occupied whether the afternoon is rainy or for a weekend project. To get going, remember to download my 10 free printable zebra coloring pages straight above this article. Tell me whether you have any fun zebra craft ideas, too; I would be very happy to hear!


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