10 Goat Coloring Pages (Download Free Printable PDF)

Goat Coloring Pages

Last week, Mike and I sat at the kitchen table with new goat coloring pages. His excitement came from his love of animals, especially funny-sounding ones. As we colored, I saw how much it was helping him focus, do better with his hands, and have fun.

There’s more to coloring than shapes. It helps kids develop creativity, patience, and emotional well-being. Parents can enjoy it with their kids screen-free. And guess what?! Download free goat coloring pages in PDF format below. Print them, get crayons, and have fun.

Why Coloring Goats is Awesome for Kids

Goats are fascinating animals. They are curious, playful, and full of personality, just like kids. Coloring goat pages can:

  • Teach kids about nature and farm animals.
  • Improving hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills is important.
  • Use a variety of patterns and colors to spark your imagination.
  • Give them a break from screens to relax.

Smart Coloring Tips for Parents

As a former teacher and now part of the GreenColoring community, I have learned a few tricks to make coloring even more enjoyable:

  • Use different textures: For shading, you can use crayons, markers, or even colored pencils.
  • Encourage storytelling: Talk to your kid about writing a story about their goat. Can you tell me where it is? In a land full of magic?
  • Mix colors: Lisa loves using several shades of pink together to make her art stand out.

Safety First

  • Before you begin, remember to use crayons and markers that are safe for kids.
  • Do not give your child scissors if they want to cut out their art.
  • Always keep an eye on kids who are using glue or glitter.

Take a look at these 10 great goat coloring pages and color these cute animals to life.

Download Free Coloring Pages:

Goat Coloring Pages
Free Printable Goat Coloring Pages PDF
Free Printable Goat Coloring Pages PDF
Free Printable Goat Coloring Sheets PDF
Goat Coloring Pages PDF
Printable Goat Coloring Pages PDF
Free Printable Goat Coloring Page PDF Download
Goat Coloring Pages
Free Printable Goat Coloring Sheets PDF
Free Printable Goat Coloring Page PDF

8 Crafts for Kids Using Goat Coloring Pages

Goats are adorable and fun to color, but did you know you can turn those free printable goat coloring pages (which I’ve shared in PDF format above this article) into exciting crafts? Last week, my son Mike and I experimented with some of these ideas, and we had an absolute blast! Here are eight fantastic crafts your kids will love, all using goat coloring pages as the base.

1. Goat Puppet Show

Materials Needed:

  • Printed and colored goat coloring pages (from the free PDF above)
  • Cardstock or cardboard
  • Craft sticks or popsicle sticks
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Googly eyes (optional)


  1. First, let your kids pick out their favorite goat coloring page from the above free PDF. Tell them to use their colors in new ways. Mike likes making the goats look like superheroes, and Lisa loves putting pink bows on everything.
  2. After coloring the goats beautifully, carefully cut them out. You might need to help your child with this part if they are younger, like Mike.
  3. Glue every goat cutout onto a piece of cardstock or lightweight cardboard to strengthen the puppets. They won’t bend or tear readily this way.
  4. Cut away the cardstock-backed goats once the glue dries. Attach, using glue or tape, a craft stick to the rear of every one.
  5. Build a little puppet stage out of a cardboard box. Cut out a window in front and let the children embellish the box with farm-themed drawings, stickers, and markers.
  6. Write entertaining goat-themed tales to let your child’s imagination run wild. Mike had a superhero goat rescuing the farm; Lisa created a princess goat. Their imaginative capacity was unbounded!

Fun Tip: To create a complete farm adventure, have children create various animal puppets from other coloring pages. For more ideas on creating puppet shows with kids, visit the Indianapolis Public Library.

2. Goat-Themed Greeting Cards

Materials Needed:

  • Colored goat coloring pages
  • Blank cardstock
  • Glue
  • Markers and stickers
  • Scissors


  1. For a strong greeting card base, fold a piece of cardstock in half. Should your child enjoy decorating, let them choose an interesting color for the cardstock.
  2. From the PDF, carefully cut out a colored goat image, then glue it to the front of the card. Use foam tape to give the goat a 3D impression if your children like a layered look.
  3. Add a note to let your children personalize the card. Lisa enjoys writing; thus, she wrote, “You are the G.O.A.T.!” while Mike simply sketched a large happy sun.
  4. For a fluffy goat beard, toss fun decorations including stickers, glitter, or even tiny cotton balls.
  5. Birthdays, thank-you notes, or just making a friend happy call for these cards!

Pro Tip: If your children wish for a unique touch, assist them in adding a small pocket inside the card to house a little cartoon or drawing. For more greeting card design inspiration, visit Crayola’s craft section.

3. Goat Mask Craft

Materials Needed:

  • Printed goat coloring pages
  • Paper plate
  • Elastic string or ribbon
  • Scissors and glue
  • Markers and cotton balls (optional)


  1. Start by selecting a large-faced goat coloring page. An image will work better as a mask the larger its size.
  2. Have your children color their goat any way they choose. Mike insists on green superheroes while Lisa enjoys creating rainbow goats.
  3. Cut out the goat’s face, then gently eliminate eye space. Should your child find difficulty with scissors, guide their hand during cutting.
  4. To provide the goat face more structure, glue it on a paper plate. For a fluffy impression, surround the edges with cotton balls, if desired.
  5. To keep the mask on firmly, punch holes on both sides and tie an elastic string across them.
  6. Time for some farmyard entertainment? Let your children pass for goats. Running about exclaiming, “Baa baa, I’m the fastest goat in the world!” Mike had us all laughing.

Fun Tip: Attach a small bell (like one from an old keychain) to the mask for a more realistic goat effect.

4. Goat-Themed Bookmarks

Materials Needed:

  • Colored goat coloring pages
  • Laminating sheets or clear tape
  • Hole punch
  • Ribbon


  1. Cut a long, rectangular piece of cardstock for the base of the bookmark. Make sure it is thick enough to last through many storytimes. If your kids want a special shape, try cutting the top into a rounded or wavy design.
  2. Choose a small goat image from the free PDF and color it brightly. Lisa always adds sparkles with glitter markers, while Mike makes his goats look like superheroes with capes.
  3. Cut out the goat and glue it onto the bookmark base. If you want a glossy finish, cover the entire bookmark with a laminating sheet or clear tape. Lisa likes to add a second layer of tape for extra durability.
  4. Punch a hole at the top and tie a colorful ribbon through it. Mike picked a green ribbon for his, and Lisa chose pink, of course.
  5. Now, every time your child opens their favorite book, they’ll be greeted by their cute goat friend! We made a bunch last week, and Lisa gifted one to her best friend, who loves animals.

Pro Tip: If your kids love reading, encourage them to make a different bookmark for each book they read! You can even write a fun message on the back, like “Keep Reading, Little Goat!”

5. Goat Collage Art

Materials Needed:

  • Multiple goat coloring pages
  • Glue and scissors
  • A large sheet of paper
  • Magazines and colored paper scraps


  1. Use the free PDF to color and cut out different goat pictures. Let your kids mix and match colors. Lisa loves drawing pink princess goats, while Mike likes wild goat scenes.
  2. Arrange the cutouts on a big sheet of paper to produce an interesting farm scene. While Mike created “Goat City!” with superhero goats, Lisa made a “Goat Wonderland” last time, adding a rainbow sky.
  3. Add more things, like trees, grass, and even a barn, with magazine pages and scrap paper. Let your kids add other farm animals if they love animals.
  4. Let the children add stickers and markers for finishing touches once everything is glued down. Lisa wrote speech bubbles for her goats, and Mike sketched small cars in his city.

Creative Twist: Create speech bubbles for the goats so they may “speak” on the collage! This is a fantastic approach to inspire narrative during creation.

6. Goat Mobile Hanging Craft

Materials Needed:

  • Colored goat coloring pages
  • String or yarn
  • A stick or embroidery hoop
  • Tape or glue


  1. From the free PDF, pick at least five distinct goat photos and color them in a range of tones. Mike added sunglasses to one of his goats for additional coolness; Lisa made hers seem like a magical herd.
  2. Cut out the goats and fasteners, each one to a thread. Try creating some shorter and some longer pieces to hang at varying heights. Lisa enjoys when they soar through the air like they are jumping!
  3. Tie the strings to a strong stick or embroidered hoop. Space them fairly if you are using a hoop to avoid tangle.
  4. Put the mobile near a window and watch it move in the wind. What interested Mike the most was how his superhero goat could spin around and look like it was flying.

Fun Tip: Put small jingle bells on the strings to let the mobile gently chime whenever it moves!

7. Goat Stickers

Materials Needed:

  • Printed and colored goat coloring pages
  • Sticker paper or clear tape
  • Scissors


  1. Print the goat color pages on sticker paper. Don’t worry if you do not have sticker paper! To create homemade stickers, color and cut the images out, then use transparent tape.
  2. Let the youngsters paint and personalize their goats. While Mike created a “Super Goat” logo for his stickers, Lisa included little bows and hearts in hers.
  3. Cut each goat precisely, and if using sticker paper, peel off the backing. If you are using tape, cut out a goat, lay another piece on top, and cut the edges.
  4. Arrange them on notebooks, lunchboxes, or water bottles. While Mike boldly stuck one on his toy car, Lisa covered her school binder with her goat stickers.

Smart idea: Make a complete set of farm animal stickers and trade them among friends!

8. Goat-Themed Party Decorations

Materials Needed:

  • Printed goat coloring pages
  • Streamers and balloons
  • Tape and scissors
  • Markers


  1. Print and color many goat pictures from the free PDF. Urge children to let their color selections run wild. Lisa enjoys glittering, but Mike insists on having his goats look like action heroes.
  2. Cut out the goats and tuck them onto balloons, walls, and party hats. Mike stuck his goats onto the birthday banner to create a whimsical, themed decoration; Lisa made a fancy “Goat Queen” hat with extra sparkles.
  3. Markers will let you add humorous subtitles like “Baa-rilliant Party Ahead!” or “Welcome to Goat Fest!” The children delighted in creating ridiculous puns connected to goats.
  4. To make a goat-themed piñata that’s even more fun, cover a balloon with paper mâché, let it dry, and then paint it to look like a goat.

Fun Tip: Have children dress up as their preferred goat creation from their coloring pages in a “Best Goat Costume” contest!

These goat crafts provide endless hours of fun and creativity. Lisa’s favorite was the greeting card because she loves giving gifts, and Mike couldn’t stop playing with his goat finger puppets. Try them out, and don’t forget to download my free printable goat coloring pages in PDF format right above this article!


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