10 Chicken Coloring Pages (Download Free Printable PDF)

Download Free Printable Chicken Coloring Sheets PDF

My name is James. Lisa and Mike are my two kids, and I’ve spent many an afternoon coloring with them. One of our favorite things to do on a rainy weekend or a quiet afternoon is color. Not only does it help kids practice their fine motor skills, but it also helps them be more creative and even learn to wait their turn. So, I made free chicken coloring pages that you can print off (they’re down) to make your coloring time even more fun!

Although they don’t drive race cars or wear capes, chickens are among the most fascinating animals children could color. Their fluffy feathers, vivid combs, and adorable little chicks provide countless ideas for design.

The Hidden Benefits of Coloring

Coloring isn’t just a way to pass the time; it has some serious benefits for kids:

  • Helps with fine motor skills: Holding crayons, coloring inside the lines, and changing colors all make little hands and fingers stronger. Great for kids in preschool like Mike!
  • Helps you concentrate and be patient: Lisa loves to color pages with lots of details, which lets her focus.
  • Encourages self-expression: Coloring lets your child be creative in any way they want, whether they want a blue chicken or a rainbow one.
  • Lessens stress and anxiety: coloring is calming for everyone, even kids. Before bed, it’s a great way to relax!

Smart Tips for Safe and Fun Coloring

Before your little artists start, here are some safety tips to make sure coloring time is both fun and safe:

  • Check the labels always: Use non-toxic crayons and markers. I was happy it was washable when Mike once got marker ink on his face.
  • Choose a well-lit area: a bright room lessens eye strain and lets children see the details.
  • Keep small coloring tools away from young children: if you have younger children around, steer clear of any potentially choking hazards.

Genius Hack: Keep the Mess Under Control!

Last week, Mike got a little too excited with his markers and ended up with a green hand (his favorite color, of course). If your kids are like mine and tend to get messy, place a large piece of wax paper or an old baking sheet under their coloring pages. It makes cleanup so much easier!

Now that you know the amazing benefits of coloring and have your smart tips ready, let’s jump into these fun and adorable chicken coloring pages. Grab your crayons, and let’s bring these chickens to life!

Download Free Coloring Pages:

Free Printable Chicken Coloring Pages PDF
Download Free Printable Chicken Coloring Pages PDF
Printable Chicken Coloring Pages PDF
Free Printable Chicken Coloring Pages PDF
Chicken Coloring Pages
Chicken Coloring Pages PDF
Download Free Printable Chicken Coloring Pages PDF
Free Chicken Coloring Pages for Kids and Toddlers
Download Free Printable Chicken Coloring Page PDF
Download Free Printable Chicken Coloring Page PDF

8 Crafts for Kids Using Chicken Coloring Pages

I’m James, a father of two creative kids, Lisa and Mike. As a former private school teacher, I love finding fun ways to help kids develop their sensory and motor skills. If you have already downloaded the free printable chicken coloring pages in PDF (which I shared above this article), you are all set for some exciting crafting fun!

1. Chicken Paper Puppets

Materials Needed:

  • Chicken coloring pages
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Craft sticks or straws
  • Tape


  1. First, let your kid use their favorite colors to color the chicken pictures. Mike really likes the color green, even though chickens aren’t usually green. Coming up with new ideas is key!
  2. After coloring the chickens all the way through, carefully cut them out.
  3. Put each chicken cutout on a thick piece of cardstock or construction paper and let it dry for a few minutes. This will make them last longer.
  4. Next, attach a craft stick or straw to the back using tape. Lisa came up with the brilliant idea of using different sizes of sticks to make some chickens appear taller than others!
  5. Once everything is set, it is time for a puppet show. Encourage your kids to create a little farm story with their new chicken puppets. Last time, Mike made his chicken a superhero that saved the farm from a giant worm. It was hilarious!

Fun Tip: If you laminate the cutouts before gluing them to sticks, they will last much longer for multiple play sessions! For more chicken craft ideas, visit Stir the Wonder’s collection of chick and chicken crafts.

2. Chicken-Themed Greeting Cards

Materials Needed:

  • Chicken coloring pages (colored)
  • Blank cardstock or folded paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Stickers, glitter, markers (optional)


  1. From the coloring pages, let your child select their preferred chicken design. Saying they look “extra cute,” Lisa always chooses the fluffiest ones.
  2. Carefully cut the chicken and then glue it on the front of a folded cardstock paper.
  3. Add personal details with markers, glitter, or stickers. Young children should be encouraged to create distinctive cards by using vivid colors. Lisa said it reminded her of Hello Kitty; thus, she included a pink bow on her chicken!
  4. Help your child create a nice message inside. Should they still be learning to write, you can write the words and let them run over them.
  5. Let the glue set, then present a handmade chicken-themed greeting card to a family member by surprise!

Personal Story: Lisa created one of these cards for her grandmother last time, and she was overjoyed to get a handcrafted surprise delivered by mail!

3. Chicken Mobile Decoration

Materials Needed:

  • Chicken coloring pages
  • String or yarn
  • Hole punch
  • Wooden dowel or stick
  • Beads (optional)


  1. On your printable pages, start by cutting out chickens of different colors. You will have a fuller mobile if you have more chickens.
  2. For each chicken cutout, make a hole in the top. Add more holes to the bottom if your child wants to add beads.
  3. Make pieces of string or yarn that are different lengths. Because Lisa likes to count, I let her choose how long each piece should be.
  4. Put the string through the holes and tie a knot around each chicken to keep them in place.
  5. Join the other end of each string to a stick or dowel made of wood. To make it more interesting, set them at different heights.
  6. Once all the chickens are attached, hang your new mobile somewhere special.

Safety tip: Hang the mobile high enough that little kids can’t reach the strings. For a creative geometric chicken craft, visit The Craft Train’s tutorial.

4. Chicken-Themed Bookmarks

Materials Needed:

  • Printed and colored chicken pages
  • Cardstock or laminating sheets
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon (optional)


  1. For a more unusual bookmark, cut around a chicken form or pick a rectangular section from your coloring pages.
  2. To keep the colored chicken from bending, glue it onto strong cardstock.
  3. Laminate it before cutting the final form if you wish it to last much longer. Lisa enjoys running the laminator since it makes the bookmark quite shiny!
  4. At the top, punch a hole and fasten a ribbon through it. For Lisa’s bookmark, we used a pink ribbon; for Mike’s, a green one.
  5. Urge your child to read their bedtime story from their handcrafted bookmark. Mike enjoys using his when we study about farm animals!

Pro Tip: Write a joke or a quick note on the rear of the bookmark to give a clever twist. Lisa penned, “Why did the chicken cross the road? To discover more books!

5. Chicken Fridge Magnets

Materials Needed:

  • Chicken coloring pages
  • Scissors
  • Magnetic sheets or small round magnets
  • Glue


  1. Have your child paint their chicken cutout in strong, vivid tones. Lisa always chooses pink and yellow chickens; Mike prefers green and orange; he claims his chickens are “super-powered.”
  2. Following its outline as closely as you can, carefully cut out the chicken shape. We alternately cut to ensure the edges are smooth rather than jagged.
  3. Strong glue or adhesive backing will help you to attach the cutout to a magnetic sheet. For the best hold, position one small magnet at the top and another at the bottom. Lisa tried adding just one, but it kept slipping; we corrected our error!
  4. Before refrigerating it, let it totally dry. Mike kept checking every five minutes to see if it was ready while we waited roughly an hour.
  5. Hold school notes, grocery lists, or artwork on the new magnets. Lisa placed hers directly next to the weekly meal schedule, and Mike used his to hang his most recent Paw Patrol drawing.

Fun Tip: Mike never forgets to feed the dog; he stuck his magnet on the fridge door right next to his chore chart.

6. Chicken Party Hats

Materials Needed:

  • Chicken coloring pages
  • Paper or cardstock
  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape
  • Elastic string


  1. From your coloring pages, pick a fun chicken face and paint it in vivid, joyful hues. Lisa decided on pink for hers since, as she said, “Chickens can be fantastic too!”
  2. Cut out a sizable piece of cardstock, roll it into a cone, then glue or tape it together. Make sure your child’s head fits comfortably.
  3. Make sure the chicken face is centered by attaching it to the cone front. Declaring it “the ultimate chicken hat,” Mike added an extra beak for his.
  4. Make holes on both sides and fasten an elastic string to fit under the chin. Change the length to be comfortable but also safe.
  5. Allow your children to have a mini farm-themed celebration while sporting their party caps! For extra giggles, play some entertaining farm animal sounds and let them waddle like chickens.

Glue actual feathers or glitter glue for a shiny effect to make the hats particularly unique!

7. Chicken-Themed Window Suncatchers

Materials Needed:

  • Chicken coloring pages
  • Wax paper
  • Glue
  • Tissue paper (yellow, red, and brown)


  1. From your coloring pages, cut out the chickens and arrange them on a level table. Children should be encouraged to select their preferred ones for the best effects.
  2. Arrange them on wax paper such that they adhere tightly. Lisa advised brushing the glue so it covers uniformly.
  3. For a stained-glass effect, tear little pieces of tissue paper and gently overlap them slightly inside the chicken forms. Mike had great fun shredding the tissue paper; we had extra bits all around!
  4. Let it totally dry before cutting any extra wax paper. This is the ideal time to appreciate the way the colors mix!
  5. After the suncatcher is finished, tape it to a sunny window and see how the light dances across to brilliantly accentuate the colors. Right after we installed them, Lisa dashed to the window and exclaimed, “It’s like magic!”

Fun Tip: Before the glue dries, scatter some glitter if you wish for a glittering effect. The sun will make it shimmer brilliantly.

8. Chicken-Themed Storybook

Materials Needed:

  • Multiple printed chicken coloring pages
  • Hole punch
  • Binder rings or ribbon
  • Blank pages for writing


  1. Let your children color many chicken coloring pages in their own original manner. As they color, inspire them to consider the kind of story they wish to produce.
  2. On one side of every page, punch holes and then neatly stack them. Lisa enjoys putting them in a logical order fit for a narrative.
  3. Make your own book with binder rings or a ribbon. Select a lively ribbon color that complements the theme.
  4. Create blank pages on which your child might pen their own chicken-themed narrative. Younger children can add speech bubbles to their images or control them while you write.
  5. Enjoy the adventure they created and read the completed book aloud as a nighttime narrative. Lisa and Mike created a book about “Clucky the Brave Chicken” last month and even performed the tale afterward.

Pro Tip: If your child enjoys narrative, help them to include a cover page and a title! It gives the book an extra unique and whole feel.

These fun and simple crafts using free printable chicken coloring pages (available above) are a great way to keep your kids engaged while boosting their creativity. Have you tried any of these crafts? Let me know which one was your favorite!


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